What We Believe
THE BIBLEWe believe that the Bible is the Word of God and contains one harmonious and sufficiently completesystem of doctrine. We believe in the full inspiration of the Word of God. We hold the Word of God tobe the only authority in all matters and assert that no doctrine can be true or essential, if it does not finda place in this Word. THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOSTWe believe that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is an experience subsequent to conversion andsanctification and that tongue‐speaking is the consequence of the baptism in the Holy Ghost with themanifestations of the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22‐23; SALVATIONSalvation deals with the application of the work of redemption to the sinner with his restoration todivine favor and communion with God. This redemptive operation of the Holy Ghost upon sinners isbrought about by repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ which bringsconversion, faith, justification regeneration, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. DIVINE HEALINGThurman Memorial International believes in and practices Divine Healing. It is a commandment of Jesus to theApostles (St. Mark 16:18). Jesus affirms his teachings on healing by explaining to His disciples, who wereto be Apostles, that healing the afflicted is by faith (St. Luke 9:40‐41). Therefore, we believe that healingby faith in God has scriptural support and ordained authority. St. James’ writings in his epistle encourage.
Remembering our founder Dr. Andrew Lee Thurman
Founder of "The Saint Michaels Church Of God In Christ"
Dr. Thurman during his formative years was called to the ministry. A kid preacher at the age of fifteen years old. Dr. Thurman preached out his first church in Jacksonville Alabama, with the help of his mother Sarah Thurman.
At the age of seventeen he was ordained. He founded and built his first church in 1945 where many souls were saved. In 1949 he met his soon to be wife "Jennell Couch" in Birmingham Alabama. They were married in 1950. To that union was borne six children, three boys and three girls.
Together they propagated the word of God throughout "Anniston" and "Andalusia Alabama". There greatest mission then might have been their early morning radio program WCTA aired Sunday morning in "Andalusia Ala"..
The first voice you would hear was the now known as "Mother Thurman" singing and playing the piano, who at that time was known as the song bird of the south. What followed after the annointed singing of mother was the Holy Ghost anointed preaching of elder Thurman, "preaching Christ and the Cross", and many were saved as a result of the Holy Spirit giving them the latitude.
Three of his most favored messages were,(The spot that spoiled) (What in hell do you want) and (She quit me without a cause). He was instrumental in the establishment of the "Greater Maryland State Evangelistic Board" and served as it's president for several years.
He founded "The Union" ... a coalescing of churches promoting brotherhood in the sanctity of the Spirit.
In 1988, he was awarded the degree of "Doctor of Divinity", by the Trinity Hall College and Seminary. June 25th 1987 he worked at "Mercantile Safe Deposit Bank" in Baltimore Maryland until his retirement. Adhering to the call of God to fully engage without distraction in full time ministry. His work is a testiment of his life and a rock that sustained a life long commitment to Christ. He founded the Easton Community Church Of God In Christ", where many were saved, including the Saint Michaels COGIC", in Saint Michaels Maryland where he was the Pastor up until the time of his death.
Dr. Thurman during his formative years was called to the ministry. A kid preacher at the age of fifteen years old. Dr. Thurman preached out his first church in Jacksonville Alabama, with the help of his mother Sarah Thurman.
At the age of seventeen he was ordained. He founded and built his first church in 1945 where many souls were saved. In 1949 he met his soon to be wife "Jennell Couch" in Birmingham Alabama. They were married in 1950. To that union was borne six children, three boys and three girls.
Together they propagated the word of God throughout "Anniston" and "Andalusia Alabama". There greatest mission then might have been their early morning radio program WCTA aired Sunday morning in "Andalusia Ala"..
The first voice you would hear was the now known as "Mother Thurman" singing and playing the piano, who at that time was known as the song bird of the south. What followed after the annointed singing of mother was the Holy Ghost anointed preaching of elder Thurman, "preaching Christ and the Cross", and many were saved as a result of the Holy Spirit giving them the latitude.
Three of his most favored messages were,(The spot that spoiled) (What in hell do you want) and (She quit me without a cause). He was instrumental in the establishment of the "Greater Maryland State Evangelistic Board" and served as it's president for several years.
He founded "The Union" ... a coalescing of churches promoting brotherhood in the sanctity of the Spirit.
In 1988, he was awarded the degree of "Doctor of Divinity", by the Trinity Hall College and Seminary. June 25th 1987 he worked at "Mercantile Safe Deposit Bank" in Baltimore Maryland until his retirement. Adhering to the call of God to fully engage without distraction in full time ministry. His work is a testiment of his life and a rock that sustained a life long commitment to Christ. He founded the Easton Community Church Of God In Christ", where many were saved, including the Saint Michaels COGIC", in Saint Michaels Maryland where he was the Pastor up until the time of his death.
Our administration team
These are a few of the most important people in our church ministries. We work as a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to the service and work of Jesus Christ. Our prayer is always to delivering the highest quality service and ensuring that everyone is comfortable in the culture of our church .
Evangelist Ayub Naseer Our world outreach and missions Cordinator.
Aine Tucker
Event organizer
Our Church Mother, Jennell Thurman and president of "The fellowship Union"
Verlencia Conyers, Our church secretary and superintendent of biblical education.
Mossile Thurman, Facilitates in our community programs.
Andrew C. Thurman, Deacon in training